Ambassador leads Thai Business Association of Myanmar (TBAM) to pay a courtesy call on the Union Minister of Industry

Ambassador leads Thai Business Association of Myanmar (TBAM) to pay a courtesy call on the Union Minister of Industry

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Oct 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 21 Nov 2022

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On 11 September 2017, Ambassador Jukr Boon-Long led a delegation of 18 members of the Thai Business Association of Myanmar (TBAM) to pay a courtesy call on U Khin Maung Cho, Union Minister of Industry. The purpose of the meeting was to follow up on the Union Minister’s study visit to Thailand in August 2017, as a guest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand, and to discuss further details on opportunities for business partnerships between Thai companies and Myanmar state enterprises.  

The TBAM delegation consisted of TBAM Committee members, Chief Representatives and other representatives from the six Thai banks in Myanmar, representatives from law firms, and companies working on telecommunications, chemical products, water treatment, and management of laboratory databases to ensure that they are up to international standards. The business delegation presented information on their company, products, and services to the Union Minister in the morning. This introductory session was then followed by focus group meetings with officers from the Ministry of Industry in the afternoon. The focus groups discussed financial support from Thai banks, development of industrial standards and SMEs, as well as industrial waste management to minimize social and environmental impact.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon has consistently supported meetings between the Thai private sector and the government of Myanmar, as well as the Myanmar private sector, to enhance existing close economic relations and mutual benefits between the two countries. The Embassy acknowledges the vast opportunities for economic cooperation, especially in trade and investment, between Thailand and Myanmar. More importantly, the Embassy wishes to realize the Royal Thai Government’s policy for Thailand and neighbouring countries to move forward together on economic development, in order to strengthen the region as a whole, and to consolidate the ASEAN Economic Community.  

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