Ambassador Promotes Knowledge Sharing in Tourism Industry

Ambassador Promotes Knowledge Sharing in Tourism Industry

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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During 18 – 23 August 2017, H.E. U Khin Maung Cho, Union Minister of Industry, visited Thailand to study the development of industrial estates that is environmentally and socially friendly. This form of balanced development is important for Myanmar people, and prioritized by the Myanmar government. The Royal Thai Embassy is of the view that Thai industries are a good role model for Myanmar, and thus coordinated with Thai agencies to arrange a study visit for the Minister. In addition, the study visit also included a meeting between the Minister and Thai private sector to discuss opportunities for investment in the Ministry of Industry’s state enterprises.

The Minister’s delegation studied many dimensions of industrial development. First, energy, which involved learning best practices in the development of transmission lines from Phelps Dodge International (Thailand), and the development of solar power from Bangchak Corporation. Second, environmentally friendly development, which consisted of presentations on how to reduce emissions from cement plants, and a study visit to learn about environmentally friendly mining at the SCG mining field. It also included study visits to learn of industrial waste management in various forms – incineration, treatment, and landfill – at Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, and Amata Nakhon Industrial Estate. Third, the promotion of industries and innovation, which comprised of a study visit to the Thailand Automotive Institute, and meetings with the Thai Industrial Standards Institute, and Industrial Promotion Department under the Ministry of Industry, Thailand. Both the Thai and Myanmar side expressed their interest to increase cooperation between the two countries’ Ministry of Industry by signing a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of industrial standards and SMEs.

During the trip, Minister U Khin Maung Cho also had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Uttama Savanayana, Minister of Industry, Thailand, in a bilateral meeting, and to interact with the Thai private sector in a Dinner Talk organized by the Federation of Thai Industries. The Minister explained the Myanmar government’s policy to stimulate economic growth by opening up state enterprises to local and international investment. He informed that there are altogether 54 state enterprises open up for investment in various sectors, including steel, garments, pharmaceuticals, glass, cement, paper, and cosmetics. Moreover, the Myanmar side is pleased to welcome Thai business delegations on a study visit to these state enterprises, and is interested to receive assistance from Thailand on human resource development to promote the effective operation of these enterprises.  

The Royal Thai Embassy has consistently supported the sharing of knowledge and experiences between Thai and Myanmar agencies. Moreover, the Embassy has also circulated information on Thailand’s industrial standards with the aim for Thailand and Myanmar to move forward together. This is in line with the Royal Thai Government’s policy, which views neighbouring countries’ security and prosperity as Thailand’s security and prosperity.  

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