Thailand uplifted knowledge on taking care of special need people with Autism in Myanmar

Thailand uplifted knowledge on taking care of special need people with Autism in Myanmar

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 Aug 2016

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Nov 2022

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Royal Thai Embassy, in collaboration with Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) and Myanmar Autism Association (MAA), organized the Workshop on the Care of Special Need People with Autism and Related Syndromes, in Yangon and Mandalay, during 4 – 8 July 2016. The workshop was well reviewed and attended by 500 participants. 

The opening ceremony in Yangon on 5 July 2016, was honoured by U Tin Oo, Patron of National League of Democracy. He gave the opening remarks that emphasized the importance of giving assistance and creating more opportunities for special need people. The embassy’s partners and supporters attended the workshop throughout 4 days.

The two-day workshop was set up as a forum for doctors, public health personnel, parents and teachers in Myanmar to improve their techniques and skills through learning and exchanging experiences with experts from RICD with emphasis on the care special need people in adolescent period. Representatives from the Thai Autism Association also joined the session to share their relevant experiences and established network between Thai and Myanmar Autism association.   

The event was rendered full cooperation by both public and related agencies of Myanmar and helped to create opportunity for all individuals and agencies to build their capacity and understanding toward Autism and thus upgraded services in this field.

Since 2013, the Royal Thai Embassy has been working hand in hand with MAA and Myanmar’s partners to promote capacity building on taking care of special need people to relevant Myanmar personnel. Various workshops and trainings both in Myanmar and Thailand were organized and helped to establish networks between Myanmar and Thailand’s mental health and child development agencies following our aim to sharing the most practical practices that Thailand has with Myanmar. The Embassy will continue to put efforts to share Thailand’s practical experience in this field to Myanmar hoping that they will one day can provide effective action-related care services to Myanmar unfortunate children.

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