Ambassador Explores Economic Potentials along Border between Mae Hong Son and Loikaw

Ambassador Explores Economic Potentials along Border between Mae Hong Son and Loikaw

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 7 Oct 2016

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Nov 2022

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During 25 – 28 September 2016, Ambassador Pisanu Suvanajata led a Thai delegation comprising of officials of the Royal Thai Embassy, Yangon, and Thai private sector, on a border survey trip focusing on Huay Ton Noon – Mae Sae checkpoint (BP13). The objective of this trip is to identify challenges and opportunities for the upgrading of BP13 as well as the development in the border areas situated along the road link between Mae Hong Son of Thailand and Loikaw of Kayah State.  

On 26 September 2016, Ambassador Pisanu and his delegation crossed border from Huay Ton Noon in Mae Hong Son to Mae Sae at BP13 and travelled by cars to Loikaw, Kayah State. During the trip, the delegation found huge potentials along the route for trade, tourism and people-to-people exchanges. BP13 can provide the shortest route connecting Thailand with Nay Pyi Taw as well as other major cities beyond such as Mandalay and Taunggyi where there exist ample business opportunities for both countries.

Apart from the route survey, Ambassador Pisanu also met Mr. Pipat Aekpapun, Governor of Mae Hong Son Province, on 25 September 2016. The focus of their discussion was on exchanges of goods and people through BP13 as well as others challenges that come with increased connectivity, such as human trafficking. As for bilateral relations, Ambassador and Governor Pipat together explored ways and means to strengthen cooperation between Mae Hong Son and Kayah State in the areas of public health, education and tourism.      

In Loikaw, Ambassador Pisanu met with H.E. U L Phaung Sho, Chief Minister of Kayah State, members of the Government and Parliament of Kayah State, and local entrepreneurs on 27 September 2106. In the meeting, Ambassador Pisanu reaffirmed Thailand’s commitment to promoting cooperation between Mae Hong Son and Kayah State in strengthening the linkages between the two countries, and in supporting development in the border areas for the mutual benefit of the two peoples. In the evening, H.E. U L Phaung Sho kindly hosted the dinner for the Ambassador and his delegation to symbolize the goodwill and friendship existing between Thailand and Myanmar.  

The Royal Thai Government shares the view with the Government of Myanmar as expressed by H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of Myanmar, that the border between the two countries is meant for shared prosperity and development, not for division and separation. Taking this noble cause into account, Thailand has been fully committed to establishing linkages and promoting cooperation activities in the border areas in partnership with all stakeholders in Myanmar

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