Ambassador Promotes Regional Connectivity at TBAM’s 2nd Morning Talk

Ambassador Promotes Regional Connectivity at TBAM’s 2nd Morning Talk

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 13 Dec 2016

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Nov 2022

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On 26 October 2016, Ambassador Pisanu Suvanajata gave the opening remarks to 40 participants at the Thai Business Association of Myanmar (TBAM)’s second Morning Talk on “Overall Logistics in Myanmar” at the Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon.

In his speech, Ambassador Pisanu Suvanajata emphasized the importance of the logistics sector for Myanmar’s economic development, and cited State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s priorities in economic development, connectivity with neighbouring countries, development in the energy sector, corporate social responsibility, and the new Foreign Investment Law. Ambassador Pisanu encouraged businessmen to keep themselves updated on these issues and economic developments in Myanmar as a whole, and expressed his aim for Thailand and Myanmar to move forward together, with increased connectivity between the two countries.

The Morning Talk comprised presentations on land, air, and maritime logistics, as well as warehouse facilities by representatives from both Thai and foreign logistics companies operating in Myanmar, which helps Thai businessmen understand more about Myanmar logistics system.

The Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon has been continuously supportive of TBAM’s activities, aiming to keep the Thai business community in Myanmar up to date on the current economic situation in the country.

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