Royal Thai Embassy helps promote cleaner and greener Yangon with “Waste Segregation” campaign

Royal Thai Embassy helps promote cleaner and greener Yangon with “Waste Segregation” campaign

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 23 Jul 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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The Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon recognizes the importance of and is committed to environmental conservation and keeping the Embassy’s compound and surrounding areas tidy and beautiful. The Embassy, therefore, initiated the “Waste Segregation” campaign throughout our office, including at our consular section whereby we are determined to invite our Myanmar patrons and clients to share with us this experience. Three types of waste bins for recycled wastes, toxic wastes, and food and other wastes are placed at different points within and outside the Embassy’s compound, making it easier for people to dispose of garbage in the right bins so that they will be rightly recycled, disposed of, and    most importantly not harmful to our environment. This campaign is hopefully meant to create sustainable awareness and greater impact in helping to save the Earth.

In the past years, the promotion of environmental awareness is one of the priorities the Embassy attaches to. Numerous trees and shrubs both inside the Embassy’s compoundand along the pavement outside the Embassy have been planted and raised as our humble contribution to make Yangon greener and beautiful.

By supporting the environmental policy of Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) as well as helping to protect the Earth, the Embassy also practices other clean and green approaches such as gradually replacing light bulbs used at the Embassy and the Thai Residence with energy saving LED, as well as upgrading the air-conditioning system to be more energy efficient.  All of these activities are clear reflection of the Royal Thai Embassy’s determination to wisely save energy for the contribution to natural and environment conservation.

