Thai health professionals shared with Myanmar doctors the techniques and tools in screening and skill development for children with special needs

Thai health professionals shared with Myanmar doctors the techniques and tools in screening and skill development for children with special needs

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 28 Aug 2015

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 23 Nov 2022

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During 22-23 August 2015, Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon, in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Myanmar Pediatrics Society, jointly organized a workshop on developmental screening and promotion programme for health personnel in Mandalay and other states and regions in Upper Myanmar, totaling 50 participants.  The workshop   was conducted by specialized doctor, nurses and therapists from Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) in Chiang Mai.

In her opening remarks, Madame Thipayasuda Suvanajata, Spouse of Thai Ambassador, highlighted that the Embassy hoped the workshop would provide venue not only for learning, but more importantly, for sharing and networking among the participants and the Thai resource persons so as to encourage more learning for the benefits of children with special needs.   Dr. Thi Tar, Clinical Professor from Mandalay Children’s Hospital, thanked the Thai side for organizing the workshop, as these issues were quite new for Myanmar doctors and they were much interested and eager to learn. 

The workshop focused on delayed development screening, and developmental surveillance and intervention, with learning of theories and practical on real cases. RICD   experts shared knowledge and experiences, using tested screening tools, exercise for speech therapy and Picture Exchange Communication System, so that health personnel  could diagnose at early stage if a child has any special needs and how to use appropriate development intervention at the right time.

On this occasion, the RICD team also visited Mandalay Children’s Hospital to discuss potential cooperation in the future as Mandalay and Chiang Mai shared many similarities.  With direct flights between Chiang Mai and Mandalay and visa exemption, exchange of people and activities between the  two cities have become much easier.

This mission in Mandalay was made possible with support on travel and accommodation by Bangkok Airways and Gold Uni Investment.

