วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 27 Aug 2015
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 24 Nov 2022
During 21-23 August 2015, Royal Thai Embassy in Yangon, in collaboration with Myanmar Autism Association (MAA), jointly organized a series of 2 workshops for parents of, and teachers who are working with, children with special needs in Mandalay. The workshops were conducted by experts from Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) in Chiang Mai and Chiang Mai University (CMU).
Mrs. Thipayasuda Suvanajata, Spouse of Thai Ambassador, opened the workshop by highlighting the importance of understanding, love and care given to children with special needs since they were able and special in their own ways, thus requiring appropriate techniques to engage them and develop their learning skills. Daw Nan San San Myint, Vice President of MAA, thanked the Thai side for the support in organizing these workshops, as she had actively been working hard to raise awareness about this issue in Myanmar.
These 2 workshops focused on skill development of special children and art therapy. RICD and CMU shared knowledge and experiences in using interesting techniques for parents and teachers to engage children and help develop their learning skills, such as physical exercise, painting and sculpting, as well as helping them to better understand psychological and emotional needs of the children.
It was the first time that these workshops were held in Mandalay, after a series of them had been held in Yangon with satisfactory results. Participation in Mandalay was overwhelmed as more people signed up than expected. While the target was only 50, the workshops were attended by over 70 parents and teachers. These participants were active in practicing various techniques learned from the workshops.
Through cooperation such as this, it is hoped that the two countries and peoples had been brought closer together, and the solid foundation of Thailand-Myanmar relations would be further strengthened.
This mission in Mandalay was made possible with support on travel and accommodation by Bangkok Airways with direct flights between Chiang Mai and Mandalay and Gold Uni Investment.